Monday, May 1, 2017

Blog #10

             The greatest advice anyone has ever given me has to be "Never worry about what people think of you, it shouldn't matter. All that should matter is your priorities and responsibilities and how your trying to be successful and what you are going to do to be successful." This advice came from my mother, she ALWAYS knows what to tell me and when  to tell me it. She knows I struggle with worrying about what others think of me because I always feel like the attention of everyone is always being placed on me. The advice she has given me has affected my life dramatically. Now being at the age I am, which is 19 I no longer worry about what people have to say. Are they going to make my life successful ? Are they going to provide for me and pay my bills? The answer to that is NO ! I have to worry about my own priorities in order to be successful, I have to go that extra mile in order to accomplish the things I want to accomplish. In the long run , I believe anyone can benefit from this advice, in order to be great we have to let go of what people think of us and focus on what's most important to us which to me is my future. We can't dwell on who said this and who said that, we have to be the bigger person and say " Who cares what they think". This advice has helped me step out of my comfort zone, I no longer worry and I no longer care as long as my responsibilities are getting done and I know I'm being successful in life. With all this being said I am extremely happy with my life and I'm so blessed to have a mother who is willing to give me the advice she does and wants to see me accomplish my dreams and goals and be successful.