Friday, April 21, 2017

Blog #9

                           I believe the drinking age should be lowered to the age 18. Once we turn 18 everyone says we're "legal" so why not let drinking be legal at the age 18. As I read David J. Hanson's titled " Should the Legal Drinking Age Be Lowered?" he went into saying he believes we are not emotionally mature to drink and we wouldn't know how to handle drinking. He considers once we get to a certain age, we should be issued a license that we earned after passing a test that would lets us be able to drink. As I read further down in his article he begins to talk about one argument, which is "Does alcohol damage young brains?". He clarifies drinking at a young age does not damage young brain , I believe it doesn't either. Another argument he stated was "Are those that begin drinking at an early age are more likely to experience drinking problems later on in life?". I agree with this , I truly believe they will have some kind of drinking problem later on in life because it all depends on their emotions and the pain the person has gone through. I agree with Hanson's opinion because I feel if we did have a license that let us drink at a young age more people would be willing to be more careful and not go against the law. I read one more article by William De Jong , titled " Should the Drinking Age Be Lowered to 18?". He first introduced what his colleagues had though which was "I can't believe we're even talking about this". Which is understandable to think because most people believe we're not mature enough to even drive better yet drink. Later on De Jong begins to explain that college presidents believe that the legal drinking age begin at 21 doesn't work. If we lower the drinking age will it result in fewer alcohol related problems? If you asked me I would say NO! If the younger generation were to get drunk they would drink and drive somewhere to try to do something what would happen?  the outcome wouldn't be good. Both articles are good but, I agree with David J. Hanson's article more than I do with William De Jong's article as Hanson is actually giving us a chance.


  1. Drinking at the age of 18 sounds good, I wish i could say the same about the outcome.

  2. I believe it should be 18 as well.

  3. I agree with Jayson, It would be nice to have the drinking age at 18 but however the outcome isn't what we think it would be.
