Monday, April 3, 2017

A voice I wish too increase

                    One voice I wish I could increase in my life , is my Tia Luisa because she was always so happy and joyful , always made us feel at home and never stopped worrying about us. My Tia Luisa is much like my grandma , ever since I was little I always remember going over to my Tia's house listening to her and my grandma talk about life and drink their coffee. My aunt died a month before my 10 birthday , and every time March 19 comes around I feel as if she's always trying to talk to me , or indicate to me that she's always with me.
               Luisa ALWAYS watched over me and my brother either if it was us being sick or if we needed a babysitter. She didn't speak much English  so we had to learn Spanish but if she did speak English  it would be simple words and not complete sentences. She would always ask if I was hungry and I remember ALWAYS eating chicken noodle soup with crackers along with a coke. It never failed that , that would be my meal every time I would go over there. Her voice was so soft and sweet , I would say like an angels voice. Luisa and my grandma have really influenced me so much and also taught me a lot as a little girl. Every time around Christmas we ALWAYS  had a tradition of making tamales , all my Tia's including my Tia Luisa and my grandma , my mom and cousins would gather at my Tia Luisa's house to make tamales. Everybody had aprons on , listening to music and just laughing at all the conversations that were going on.
               My Tia Luisa's voice is something Ill always cherish , just like ill always cherish my grandmas. They were so much alike in so many ways and its always good to have them in my hearts .They're voices encourage me to do better and become a better person and cherish life.


  1. That is so sweet she sounds amazing.

  2. That is simply beautiful Adrianne! Me and my family get together for Christmas as well and make tamales.

  3. Look at all the praise regarding your writing. Write more!
