Thursday, March 9, 2017

Blog #6

               Both these articles "Before I Go" and "My Marriage Didn't End When I Be came a Widow" are telling us we should live life to the next level, enjoy our lives , live to the fullest no matter what the circumstances are. We should be appreciative of what's in our lives now because one day it may not be there. By reading these articles I've come familiar with why they say live life to the fullest , these quotes helped my understanding. In "Before I Go " it says "The most obvious might be an impulse to frantic activity: to "live life to then fullest", to travel, to dine, to achieve a host of neglected ambitions ". I've also been informed in "My Marriage Didn't End When I Became a Widow" We found new depths of trust and confidence I each other - as husband and now patient, wife and now caregiver and, soon, as new parents to a baby girl".
            I can see that in "Before I Go" Paul Kalanithi was a very heart filled man with a lot of ambitions for his life as he had found out he was diagnosed with lung cancer and was able to actually be at home with his new born baby. Reading this article was really sad , seeing a hard working man go so far in his career to then be told he was facing death is something no one ever wants to see. Paul made it seem so easy , as he would spend as much time with his loved ones , not worrying about death , which opens my eyes to see that their might not always be a bright side but you can always make one like Paul Kalanithi did. In "My Marriage Didn't End When I Became a Widow " I can see how Lucy Kalanithi has dealt with her husbands death and how she's been able to deal with it. Lucy had loved Paul ever since they met in 2003 as first-year medical students. She helped Paul as much as she could , making sure him and their daughter were well taken care of. "I held Paul during his last hours, lying with him in his hospital bed, comforting and signing softly to him until he died". This quote really brings this article in my eyes together , it shows truly how much love Lucy had for Paul. Lucy has showed me its not always easy to see someone go but cherishing every moment will truly help out a lot and not be as hard on us.
        What gives Kalanithi such a strong voice worth returning to and giving back to others  is that she is  being able to see he had written an article about himself and she was able to write her thoughts back along to correspond with his. Reading both Paul and Lucy's articles really encourages me to share this article to anyone who has lost a loved one , so they too can see how Lucy overcame her husbands death.

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