Thursday, March 2, 2017

Words of Wisdom


            Ever since I was a little my mom always had encouraging words or as I would say "words of wisdom" to tell me EVERY morning o the way to school , at home , or just if she thought i needed to hear them.At the age of 12 or 13 my parents got a divorce, which isn't easy for an child to go through.It really didn't bother me at the time , when I reached high school it finally sunk i that my parents were really not together.I wouldn't really show I was sad, matter of fact, I showed no emotion at all.But you know how moms get when they know something is up with their child , they get to asking questions, doing every little thing to see whats wrong with us.After the 1000 questions I finally told her my reasoning for for being so "weird" as she would say.If you know me then you know i'm a BIG CRYBABY solo of course I started to cry not that it was weird to cry, a family that's been broken up is really painful.
          So here's where the words of wisdom come into play , by this time i'm in full tears almost literally crying a river.As my mom began to uplift me, saying every things going to be okay, we all just need to leave it in God's hands, I just sat there thinking, is every thing really going to be okay ? How will we make it without the help of our dad ? Him being the man of the house making the most money and me and my brothers not having jobs because we were so young was really going to make it hard on my mom. But not once did my mom think of anything like that well maybe a few times but she never let it get to her she always wanted to stay strong for us.Seeing her speak those encouraging words helped me help her in the end, we all made it through the hard times and now me and my family are doing good , all of us are successful and are at a point in our life where life couldn't get any better! We all attend church which has influenced our life 100% without the word of God how would we have come this far through all the tears and the emotional breakdowns ?
           Word of wisdom can really help uplift a person as you can see in my story , we started from the bottom and now we came up. My family isn't perfect but I promise you everything we've been through only made us who we are today.


  1. Reading this definitely made me happy, my parents split up when I was in 3rd grade and things just started getting better within my family so I understand how it can break someone down emotionally.

  2. Adrianne, you are a very strong person. It take a lot of heart to put your feels out there. I know this because my dad was abandoned at the age of ten. It took him a long time to express his feels towards me and my family.(different situation but same feeling)
