Thursday, February 23, 2017

Teen Mom 2 New Season Promo

      Teen mom is a TV show that involves teen girls who've became pregnant at a young age and are facing the challenges of motherhood. The director of Teen Mom 2 is Morgan J Freeman, some of the girls who role in the TV show are  Jenelle Evans , Kailyn Lawry , Chelsea Houska , Leah Messer-Calvert and of course their husbands/ ex husbands. I recommend watching Teen mom 2 because it really gives us a first at hand look of how teen pregnancy can be , along with dealing with the child's father and also,  being able to communicate with him and not always be fighting, I  watch teen mom personally because , I like listening to their drama and how they're life is , it interest me to see how they will end up and how they got this far with the little help they've had throughout the child's life. Another reason why I recommend Teen Mom 2 to people is because we could be going through the same stuff they go through and maybe it could possibly help us learn how to handle a situation and how to overlook some of the obstacles that have come in the way.
    Each girl in Teen Mom 2 kind of go through the same things , they are all trying to overcome getting pregnant at a young age , which isn't bad but to me is very hard to do.If you watch teen mom you already know what each girl has basically been through , heart break , divorces and just emotional pain. For a woman to go through all that while having kids is probably the hardest thing to go through , I personally don't go through that but I've seen it , my mom has been through and you could just see the pain she was going through at the time that was occurring.


  1. Adrianne, I've never thought much about this show, but I appreciate how much compassion you have for these girls and their difficult circumstances. And, perhaps you're right, if we are open there is something to be learned from their difficult stories.

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  3. Adrianne I freaking love "Teen mom" and "Teen Mom 2". I love all the drama that goes on, but also I really like watching because it lets me see what my two sister had to go through while growing up.

  4. I love this show. Used to be really into it then got behind, but maybe I should start again.

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  6. "Teen Mom" was one of my favorite shows when it came on air, just something about watching real world girls taking on major decisions in life along with a child just made me addicted to see what their outcome could turn out.
