Thursday, February 23, 2017

Teen Mom 2 New Season Promo

      Teen mom is a TV show that involves teen girls who've became pregnant at a young age and are facing the challenges of motherhood. The director of Teen Mom 2 is Morgan J Freeman, some of the girls who role in the TV show are  Jenelle Evans , Kailyn Lawry , Chelsea Houska , Leah Messer-Calvert and of course their husbands/ ex husbands. I recommend watching Teen mom 2 because it really gives us a first at hand look of how teen pregnancy can be , along with dealing with the child's father and also,  being able to communicate with him and not always be fighting, I  watch teen mom personally because , I like listening to their drama and how they're life is , it interest me to see how they will end up and how they got this far with the little help they've had throughout the child's life. Another reason why I recommend Teen Mom 2 to people is because we could be going through the same stuff they go through and maybe it could possibly help us learn how to handle a situation and how to overlook some of the obstacles that have come in the way.
    Each girl in Teen Mom 2 kind of go through the same things , they are all trying to overcome getting pregnant at a young age , which isn't bad but to me is very hard to do.If you watch teen mom you already know what each girl has basically been through , heart break , divorces and just emotional pain. For a woman to go through all that while having kids is probably the hardest thing to go through , I personally don't go through that but I've seen it , my mom has been through and you could just see the pain she was going through at the time that was occurring.

Monday, February 20, 2017

Exam 1

          The first major exam was what I expected as Mr. Still explained everything that would be on the test and how it would be  all short answer questions with some vocabulary. Some parts of the test were difficult to me , as I sat there read and reread some of the questions over and over just to get a good understanding of the material. I wish there were more multiple choice answers on this test , not that the short answer was hard but I feel like multiple choice helps the brain relax some to where we can stop thinking so  hard about the short answer and focus on something a little more easier. To prepare for this test I retyped the exam review to where I could have the question and answer together not written all out and messy. I study about two hours the night before the exam , ate a good and light breakfast then studied again right before the exam just so I could refresh my brain with the material I had studied the night before. Getting a good amount of sleep before a test will also help you . My attention span is very short , so being able to study for long periods of time for me is very hard. I either get distracted or procrastinate the entire time. I would spend more time studying the vocabulary , as I didn't remember some of the words. Exam 1 really showed me I need to read carefully and review everything we've learned leading up to the test , as everything is on the test.

Monday, February 13, 2017


                      In Mr. Rollins video , he says "sometimes your great ambitions will be momentarily , stymied, thwarted and, marginalized by those who were perhaps luckier , come from money , where college was a given ", I took what he said and thought about it long and hard. I then put it into my own words and finally realized what it meant , Rollins is saying not everyone is the same , we do not all come from a wealthy family and not all of us are able to get right into college. We all must work for what we want in life for some people it might be a lot easier and for others it might be a lot harder. "You will encounter people who will never have to pay in full , they get to wreck the room and never have to clean it ,they can get all the way through high school and never understand where a dollar comes from because they just get and give it to them". Rollins to me explains this last quote to us to show us not all people have always worked for what they wanted but,  for us not to feel like we aren't good enough or for people like this to get to us , which in reality he's saying some people really don't know the value of things because they've always got it handed to them. I myself can actually count as one of those people , I've always got stuff handed to me and never had to work for anything throughout my life , I always got told I was "rich" or "spoiled". Which I really didn't see it like that , I felt that my parents just made sure we were alright , but at a point in my life it stopped and I actually started working for the stuff I have.He also says " If you have an idea of what you want to do in your future you have to go at it with an monastic-obsession , you have to go at it single-mindedly and let nothing get in your way". You have to understand the meanings of monastic-obsession and single-mindedly before you can even understand the quote itself. Rollins is saying we need to go get it with a lot of dedication and by secluding your self to make it where you want to be.  As I watched the video further it caught my attention that Rollins I feel as if Mr. Rollins is speaking to show us how we shouldn't give up so easily and always push through everything so we can be the best we can be not worrying what anyone else has to say.Rollins suffered from depression and ended up taking medicine for it , i can relate to this very much so I once had to take depression pills , after a while I decided I needed to work on myself so I can actually be successful and not worry about anything holding me back.Rollins learned he couldn't just give up  on the stuff he wanted.This video helped me understand why it is so important to just focus on yourself and better yourself.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Who Am I ?

                            My name is Adrianne Arevalo I am 18 years old , born and raised in Bryan, Texas. I have two brothers my older brother just turned 24 and the other one is eleven months younger than me which makes him 17. I am currently employed at McDonalds  , I've worked there for about two years now. I graduated from Rudder High School ,I loved all the teachers rudder had , they always made sure you were okay and always wanted to see you be successful and wished the best for you. I would say the teachers were always hard on us but if I did id be lying , like I said before they made sure we were successful and on the right track. As of right now I am studying to become a teacher. Ever since I was a little girl I've always wanted to be a kindergarten teacher , with that being said id love to be a kindergarten teacher but if that doesn't work out first through fifth would be okay as well. I chose kindergarten because I work really well with kids , to me high school kids would be such a pain !  After blinn I plan on transferring to Sam Houston State University , it has always been a dream of mine since I was little to attend Sam. In order to attend Sam I need to stay focused and take care of my responsibilities at blinn so I can be ready to transfer.
          I've always had an interest in softball , I played t-ball then of course softball all the way till my sophomore year in high school. I stopped playing my sophomore year , I didn't like that every coach had a favorite player on the team. I always asked myself "why am I doing everything everybody else is doing but only playing one time out of the entire game.?"  that hit me hard so I had to decide what I was going to do. I chose to focus on my academics more and prepare for college. I could have went so far in softball but I let the little things get to me. As a player I never showed my real talent I was always shy to actually show out , if it wasn't for being shy I could have been a hell of a softball player.
       My family has always gone through everything with me , always supported and motivated me through everything I've done. Being able to  have them do that and always being able to count on them has made my life a lot easier. I'm so thankful and blessed to have them , I honestly don't know where id be without my family. Once I graduate college I can finally say I not only did this for myself but also for my family.