Monday, February 20, 2017

Exam 1

          The first major exam was what I expected as Mr. Still explained everything that would be on the test and how it would be  all short answer questions with some vocabulary. Some parts of the test were difficult to me , as I sat there read and reread some of the questions over and over just to get a good understanding of the material. I wish there were more multiple choice answers on this test , not that the short answer was hard but I feel like multiple choice helps the brain relax some to where we can stop thinking so  hard about the short answer and focus on something a little more easier. To prepare for this test I retyped the exam review to where I could have the question and answer together not written all out and messy. I study about two hours the night before the exam , ate a good and light breakfast then studied again right before the exam just so I could refresh my brain with the material I had studied the night before. Getting a good amount of sleep before a test will also help you . My attention span is very short , so being able to study for long periods of time for me is very hard. I either get distracted or procrastinate the entire time. I would spend more time studying the vocabulary , as I didn't remember some of the words. Exam 1 really showed me I need to read carefully and review everything we've learned leading up to the test , as everything is on the test.


  1. i agree, i wish i would have woken up earlier before the test to have my mind refreshed and wheels a turning.

  2. I agree with you. I to had to read and reread the questions to better understand what they meant.
