Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Who Am I ?

                            My name is Adrianne Arevalo I am 18 years old , born and raised in Bryan, Texas. I have two brothers my older brother just turned 24 and the other one is eleven months younger than me which makes him 17. I am currently employed at McDonalds  , I've worked there for about two years now. I graduated from Rudder High School ,I loved all the teachers rudder had , they always made sure you were okay and always wanted to see you be successful and wished the best for you. I would say the teachers were always hard on us but if I did id be lying , like I said before they made sure we were successful and on the right track. As of right now I am studying to become a teacher. Ever since I was a little girl I've always wanted to be a kindergarten teacher , with that being said id love to be a kindergarten teacher but if that doesn't work out first through fifth would be okay as well. I chose kindergarten because I work really well with kids , to me high school kids would be such a pain !  After blinn I plan on transferring to Sam Houston State University , it has always been a dream of mine since I was little to attend Sam. In order to attend Sam I need to stay focused and take care of my responsibilities at blinn so I can be ready to transfer.
          I've always had an interest in softball , I played t-ball then of course softball all the way till my sophomore year in high school. I stopped playing my sophomore year , I didn't like that every coach had a favorite player on the team. I always asked myself "why am I doing everything everybody else is doing but only playing one time out of the entire game.?"  that hit me hard so I had to decide what I was going to do. I chose to focus on my academics more and prepare for college. I could have went so far in softball but I let the little things get to me. As a player I never showed my real talent I was always shy to actually show out , if it wasn't for being shy I could have been a hell of a softball player.
       My family has always gone through everything with me , always supported and motivated me through everything I've done. Being able to  have them do that and always being able to count on them has made my life a lot easier. I'm so thankful and blessed to have them , I honestly don't know where id be without my family. Once I graduate college I can finally say I not only did this for myself but also for my family.

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